Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Welcome to Dava's Readers book worm descusion Library

Friends,  To  Dava's  Book Worm Library....
were you can read, listen to music,  or chat  quietly with friends and family.
Here's where  Dava  might discuss  books  she  might have read and enjoyed.
Please come join  us  and  enjoy theres  plenty of   books to  read  from.
WELCOME  DAVA  to  your  new  library the  girls and I love  you  and  hope you  can  sit  back,
relax  and  have a  nice  quiet  night of  endless reading  and  enjoy!
We hope  you  like  your  new  surprise on here.  Here is where you can  discuss your books you've read.
love you friends,
PS  and  my sisters.

 Reach for  the  stars,  read  a  book or  2...

Proudly  Established  _  Wednesday  _  November 27_ 2013  Thanksgiving Eve!
 by  my  dear  friends  PS  and  his
4 wonderful  sister,  thank  you!

A note   from   Dava.... Happy  Thanksgiving,
I and  my  friends   PS  and  His  sisters  are  checking  my blog  one  of  us,  he told  me they  had a  surpise  for  me  and  BOY  did   they  isn't  this  wonderful?
You  maybe in a  reader  club  or  like  to  join   but  you  know  how  they  have  what  they  want  you  to  read   be  a   drama,  comedy  etc   and  you  HATE  thiese types  of  books  but  you  have  to  read  the same  thing  everyone  else  is  reading  and  your  so bored   to  tears?  Welll  good  NEWS  you  don't  have  to  read what   I   say  to  read,  those  kinds  are  probably  nice  but I like  to  read  something  I  am  interetsted  in,  something romantic,  or   about  animals and  natire  well you  can  read  what ever   interest  you  and  come  on  here  and  discusse  it   if  you  like we  don't  have  to  all  read  the  same  book to  talk  about  books  and  I  am  not knocking  that  kind of book club  maybe  it'   fun bit  not  for  me  so,  if   you  feel  the  same  way  please  come  in  were  open  24/ 7  _ week days,  nights,   nights  and  holidays stop  and  tell  me  about  the  book  you  read  and  maybe liked  or  didn't  like,  movie  or music  any one  of  those  are  fine.
I  will  have  them  there  for  a  week  and  delete  it   and  restart  friesh  here.
now  enjoy  the  stories,  music  and  movies  you  and  yours  watch!


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