Monday, November 11, 2013

* New post and update. for Monday _ 11_11_12_

Mom is  still swollen in her tooth  and  is in  some pain  were worried  about  the  infection in her  tooth  and  I talked  her  out  of  going to  the  back  DR,  for  a  check _ up  I feel  like  this  infection is  more important  to get  the  infection  out  of her  tooth,  Will  call  tomorrow  and  see  what  her  dentist says.
And  dad  was  feeling  bad really  bad  last  night,  hurting  all  over  he  feels  better  some  today.
So,  I  think  I  will  take off  all  this  week  to  take  care  of  mom  and  dad  and  a  very dear  friend
and  his  sister's  will  watch  over  the  blog for  me.
thank  you  for  your  patients  and  understanding. I  will be  back  next  week  and   maybe  s  still  here  this  week  I  but  I  don't  think  so.
Take  care,  be  safe   and  have   a  nice  week  and  weekend.
Keep  the  views  coming please  there  appreciated.
                                                                     and being  here  always,
    always  when  I
need you the  most.
Thank You  PS  and  Girls.....   I  appreciate  you  and  you're  all  appreciated greatly.

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