Monday, November 18, 2013

 have a  nice  day everyone.
thinking of  you all  and  I hope the  day  brings you  sunshine and  good
health your way.  
It's  me   Dava  again.  
I  am  baccccccck!  

thank you  PS  and  Girls -  (PS's  sisters  for  your  wonderful  and TLC
on  Moose Head Chalet you guys did wonderful and  I  appreciate your great
care  and  helping  me, I can't  say thank you  enough and  how say how  much  I  APPRECIATE
you  all  and  your help.
I love all  5 of  you so  much.
love and  hugs,
Dava.  and  thank you to  all my 
loyal  viewers  with out  you,  well.... Moose  Head  Chalet wouldn't be  I 
appreciate  your  patients  with  me  while  I  was  away  and  for  keep
coming  back.  There's  going to be  lots  more  fun  please  keep coming back.
for  more fun.

#1  helpful hint.   Ladies  just  for  you....
I  tried this  and  works for  me...
you  know how that shaving cream for  your  legs  can welllll,,,,, get pricey
well  if  you  go to  the  General  Dollar store if  have  one  near you  1 of  these will work.
#1  either  $1.00  hand lotion or   either  hair  conditioner  you  put  on  your
legs  now  put  quite  a  bit  you  can  on  the  conditioner from  you  hair, put quite a bit (only say this  because  I  don't  want you  to  get  razor burn  and  shave, shave shave
works well under arms too."Weather" we like it or not, Old Man Winter is just around the corner. This means freezing temperatures, windy days and snowy nights. To make sure your skin successfully survives another winter season, I have put together a few pieces of advice that will help keep your skin looking and feeling its best::
1) Moisturize- Nothing will dry out your skin faster than a cold, wet, windy day (or night). Sure you could do nothing... but don't complain to me when you skin looks dry and flaky...then starts to itch! The key areas to use a good, non-greasy body moisturizer on include your hands, arms, and legs .Now for your face ... use one specifically formulated for that area. I recommend using one that is a little more moisturizing than one you would use in the summer to combat the strong effects of colder weather.
2) Protect Your Lips- Here is where most men first realize that winter is upon us! This is simply because our lips are usually moist resulting in colder weather drying them out quickly. The result is dry, chapped lips. The simple solution is a good, naturally based lip balm that contains essential oils and SPF, like Matte For Men's  Hydrating Citrus Lip Balm. (Oh yeah...guys you'll want to still look like a man this winter so don't use those girlie "squeeze tubes" that leave your lips glossy. Remember: it takes a real man to stand outside in sub-zero degree temperature shoveling snow off the look like one please.)
3) Sunscreen Please- Just because its cold outside, doesn't mean that the sun is less damaging to your skin. In fact, think of snow as one of those old time reflectors we used to sit outside with to help gain that "healthy" glow quicker (and if you are like also used baby oil mixed with iodine as a tanning those were the days!!!). The snow will actually reflect the suns rays onto your face so make sure you use a facial moisturizer with a high level of SPF. We recommend an SPF of 25 like in Matte For Men's Complete Face and Head Care Lotion.
4) Stay Hydrated - Here's what happens in the winter: folks usually turn the thermostat up in their homes and offices to try and stay warm. What this means is that the air in those places is dryer than usual which quickly  leads to moisture evaporation from your skin. Ahhh...the circle of life! My point: drink plenty of water during the winter months as well.
 Well...this should be a good start to helping you look and feel your best during the winter freeze (even in Arizona).

   Have  a  blessed,  safe  where  ever your  Thanksgiving's
travels  takes  you  please  be safe,  take  care  of  you,  laugh  much,  make  many wonderful  memories  together  forever  to  remember  together.   Be  healthy,  happy  and  Thankful  for what
you  have.
Happy  Thanksgiving from our  home  to  yours.
Dava,  Family,  Pets, PS, his  sisters,  family  and  pets  "HAPPY THANKSGIVING"....
today  is  Monday  11_18_ 2013  and ThanksGiving   is   this   week   I  will  be  here  but  next  week  on  Monday  November 25 -  Sunday  December 1 2013  I  wont be  back  but I  will  but your helpful hints  up  on  Thursday  with your  stories  for  next  week  on  Monday  December 2, 2013  unless  other  wise  something  happen I  will  be  back.
Not  to  worry  I  will  be  back  this  week and  after  that  if  not  let  you  know  and  I  know PS  and  his  sisters  will  be  glad  to  help  out again.
Have a  nice  day!
( error  made I should  say  PS, His sister's  and I wont be  on  Monday  November 25 -  Sunday  December 1 2013  will  be  preparing for  the Thanksgiving day festivities but I,  PS or  his  sisters will  be  back  to  take care  of  Moose Head Chalet,  not  to  worry.)

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