Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday _ November 11, 201Dear Santa 3

Good  Evening  to  you  all  Ladies  and   Gentleman,   
 My deepest,  sisters  and  ours  give  you  our  sincerest condolences.
on  Muddy  your precious  angel beta   now  he's  really  an  angel.
Were  here  for  you  if  and  when  you  need  to  talk, 
We  understand  how  you  feel  loosing  any kind of  pet  is so
devastating  and  very painful  were  here for  you  my dear friend.
         Dear  Santa,
                                                 Define  Good.

    Dear  Santa,
                                      I  can explain....
                                                                                     will  be  back
right  after  these  commercial,  Ladies  and  Gentlemen....   please  stayed  tune  for  more .       link  to  this  please          link  to  this  please   link  to  this  please....

DOGS  got  their  start  in  Europe...  here's  the  link.

O.k.  you love  birds  every where,   here  is  your  poem  for  a  cold  night  a  beautiful night.
I hope  you  enjoy  it  and  as  always enjoy  your  night.
Dear Santa
By Shandelle Sioch
Dear Santa

For Christmas this year I would most love to see
Two plane tickets to Arizona placed under my tree.

You see my Aunt had a baby and my Nannie's real ill
I haven't the 
the money to send both my sister and I, unless you will.

You can send us the cash, you can take us yourself
We can even fly there with your most responsible elf.

Oh please Santa, get us both there somehow.
We could wait until later, but it's best to go now.

Nannies going through surgery, we're not sure if she'll live,
And well, where this is the season for everyone to give,

I only want to see her, yes, this is all I ask.
Is my Christmas wish such a difficult task?

When you get this and read it, think it over a time or two.
I know this is a hard decision, but I'm positive you've had a few.

Even if one ticket is all you can give,
Don't worry.
I'll send my sister and pray that dear Nannie will live.

I'm sorry I've been bad, next year I'll try to be better.
You have a big job, so I oughta end this letter.
Have a Merry Christmas Santa, tell the elves and Mrs. Clause I said hi.
Thank you for your time Sir, now I must say good bye.

P.S. The milk is in a glass and the cookies on a tray.
You know where I live, so nothing more shall I say.


I  read  this  and  cried,  yes  Ladies even  men  cry  not  a  sissy  thing to  do. 
  To  mom and  dad  from  your  son   PS  and
your  daughters  with  so much  love  for  your  both.
Merry  Christmas  2013.

Note_    Dava  and  her  mom  went  today  to  Half  Price  book  store,  before  that  went  to
get  her  dad' s  license  tag  for  his  truck,  coffee  for  him,   then  they  came  home  and
gave  that  to  him,  got  a  bite  to  eat  at  KFC  and  went  to  the  half  price book store,
she  got  some  romance  books,  she  was  so  excited  because  she  found  a  Snow  White
and  Seven  Dwarfs  sound  track on  vinyl   and  also   Cindrella  she  thought  it  was Cig the  story  were  they  told the  story  on  Cindrella   she  was  happy it  was  the  sound track vinyl.
she  also  go  6  cds  by  George Winston  for   $ 14.98 and  she  was  unsure  she has  never
heard  of  him and  didn't  know  what his  music  sounds  like  but  it  has  for  winter,  both
our favorite  she  tried that one  1st  we  both  love  winter,  the  cold  and  snow.
Autumn,  Summer,  Linis  and  Lucy  from  the  Peanuts  Gang,  there's  one  more  and  I can't 
remember  what it  is  but  I  went  to  visit  her  and   we  got  a  bit  for  her  parents  and  for  us
and  also stopped  at   The  Half  Price  books  and I  bought  me  a   copy  and  Dava  a copy of  the
same  cds..   She  is  so sweet  and  appreciative.
We came  home  sit   by  the  fire,  ate  some  buttered  pop  corn  and  coco  and  I  came  home.
OH  Yes!   she  got  her   a  beautiful   dark blue  with  double  fins  and  he  is  gorgeous, Dava  named  him  Ravens Moon  I  love  her  names  she  comes  up  with the  unusual  names.
Well  I  will  close  for  tonight _  I had  a  busy  night,
I  will see  you  again  if  allows  weather all  will  be   back  tomorrow  _ 
Take  care  of  you  and  each  other.
stay warm.
Good Night.
Please,  stay  tuned  for  Daily  Texas,  where  you'll  find  all  kinds  of  interesting  Entertainment,
on  animals,  entertainment  etc....
Always   A  Little  Slightly off...  :-)

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