Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Good - wednesday Evening all you early birds_ late readers ...

This  is  PS  once  again,  
I  apologize  I  am  here   so  late,   Dava  was  having  a  bad  day  she got  this  beautiful  crown tail-
male  beta  fish  she  named  Muddy  because  he  is  the  color  of  mud  and  the  store she  got  him  from  I  wont  say  where  it  was  but  let's  say  Dava  has  a  BIG heart   and  she  took  the little  guy in  his  water was  so  nasty  it  was  terrible  she  said  and  stunk  the  little  man  was  barely alive  she  got  him  in  some  brand  new  water  and  she  said  it  was  like  he  took a  deep breath  and  started  swimming around  today  he  kept  laying  down  on  the  bottom of  his  bowl  and  finally  she  and  I  were  so  HAPPY!
He  seems  to be  doing  well  now.
Dava  is  feeling better,  her dad  and  mom  seem to  be  to  I  am  so  glad.  Keep getting well guys.
Here  is  an  different  looking  picture  you  all  might  find  interesting.
This sexy tarantula owner.
Good friends are like stars... you don't always see them, but you know they are always there

    commercial break.   will  be  right  back  after  these  words  Ladies  and  Gentlemen.

    I am  sorry  it  took  so  long for  me  to  finish this  but I  was  having
    technical  difficult  problems.

    Here  is  some  poems  for  _  you  lovers  out  there,   on these cold nights
    keep warm  with something  warm to  drink  and maybe some popcorn
    and  cuddle up  with each other.
    enjoy  your night.
    here's  your  poems.

    "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

    "Love me without fear / Trust me without questioning / Need me without demanding / Want me without restrictions / Accept me without change / Desire me without inhibitions." - Dick Sutphen
    here's  your  quote  for  the  day,,,
                  "To laugh often and love much... to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to give one's self... this is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    "You don't love a woman because she's beautiful; she is beautiful because you love her." - Anonymous

    will  be  back  after  these  commercials _

    good night,


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