Wednesday, November 20, 2013

REMEMBERING  JFK  NOVEMBER  22, 1963......                

Please  listen  to  this....

                                                                                              news  of  assastion  on  JFK....  :-(      death  of  JFK  :-(

I  am  so  sorry  for  you,  Mrs  Kennedy,  your  son,  family,  friends  and  theirs  who had  to see
such  a GREAT  PRESIDENT  AS  YOU   MR  KENNEDY   we  will  always  think of  you  and  your  beautiful  smiling  face  and  waving  at  us  even  if  we  weren't  there  to  see  you  in November  22, 1962. President Kennedy...
We wish  you  were  still  here  and  President for  the  U.S.A.
God  Bless  you  and  yours.
Dava  and  Family....   Established  Wednesday_   11_20_ 13  in  memory of  our  Great President 
Please,  if  you  have  any  stories  of  seeing  JFK  seeing  him  or  about
the  day  his  was shot  please share  your  stories  here.   I would like to him
there,   JFK was shot  3  years  before  I was born  mom told me what a 
wonderful  person he  was.
She was  there  with  a  girl her  age  she knew  and thank goodness didn'r see
Mr Kennedy shot she heard the shots, passed where  Oswald was in the building
were  Oswald shot  Mr  Kennedy and someone  heard some one  say they shot  THE  SOB!
man  thought the  world  was going   CRAZY !  They were talking about
OSWALD  and she  remembers  her  mom  having the  news  on  and hearing
about  it  on  the  news. 

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